About GTCO
A Message from Our Founder
Why invest the time, effort, and finances to stand up an organization to help the vulnerable and marginalized in our community? Because I know first-hand what a difference it can make in a person’s life.
Today, I’m an Executive Director with a Master’s Degree and over a decade of experience, but in 1994, I was a young mother of three small children who became homeless. I experienced divorce, single parenthood, welfare, public housing in crime-ridden neighborhoods, and many other challenges. The journey that took me from there to here took intention, hard work, and help along the way. It also forged in me a desire to help people in crisis.
For many years I witnessed others face similar adversities and financial lack. It was those observations, my own life experiences, and the barriers I personally faced in receiving community assistance that gave me firsthand understanding of the scarcities people faced.
My education not only reinforced my personal and professional qualities but it taught me the broad ethical responsibility and knowledge needed to be successful in my professional calling.
For the past decade, I devoted my professional career to a nonprofit organization. I became acquainted with this organization first as a client. I later became a volunteer, a social work intern, an entry level employee and finally I was selected for the role of the Shelter and Housing Services Director for six years.
In my director role I served a population that was either homeless, at risk of becoming homeless, or living in poverty. I saw time after time that becoming and remaining homeless was not just due to the lack of permanent housing, but in most cases it was also due to lack a of life skills, education, employment, mental illness and substance abuse treatment, and a lack of needed services/resources. Despite the barriers to some services, as a director, my staff and I assisted countless households in getting the housing, treatment, employment, and resources they needed.
There is a pressing need in our community for a day shelter that will provide both respite for those experiencing homelessness, while also providing access to in-house support programs, resources and expedited referrals for life skills education, employment support, mental and physical health assistance, housing assistance and more. With experience, knowledge and established community partnerships, Gates to Change Outreach is now posted to help change many lives.
Your investment in Gates to Change Outreach will directly impact individuals and families today and for generations to come.
Thank you for joining us in our mission to help those who are vulnerable to become self-sufficient, to experience an improved quality of life and have the opportunity to become a contributing member in their community.
In Service,
Cindy Williams
Founder/Executive Director
Reach Our Team
Office Location
1038 Henderson Drive,
Jacksonville, NC 28540
Office Hours
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Friday
9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.